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 You open your eyes and begin to walk away.  Without looking where you are going you walk right off the tree and land on your face.  "Son of a bitch," you groan as you pick yourself up.  You don't see the Fredriks anywhere, so you walk along without them.
 While you're walking along in the woods you see the remains of the Fredriks.  You see Jeb's head with the spinal cord still attached.  A little further after that you see Jan's ass with a trail of blood leading to her dismembered body.  Not much further along after that you see Jade's legs.  Then you see the giant centipede not too far ahead.  It is munching on the rest of Jade's body.  It stops and looks at you.  You turn around and begin to run.  You trip on a root (is there enough cliches in this book for ya?) before you can get anywhere.  The centipede crawls over and grabs you by your waist with its huge pinchers.  He lifts you up and begins squeezing.  You feel the sharp pinchers digging into your side.  Blood begins to leak out from your waist.  The centipede then drops you for some reason, maybe he needs to stop drinking, I dunno.  He then grabs your head in its pinchers.  He begins squeezing again.  Your brain begins to ooze out of your head in juicy clumps.  Your head suddenly bursts, splattering your brains all over the face of the centipede.

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