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 You open your eyes and start running.  You woke up on the ground apparently.  You don't see the Fredriks around anywhere.
 Further on in the forest you are running beneath a large tree.  Suddenly Jade, Jan, and Jeb's bodies fall from the tree and land on you.  You fall over and then get back up.  You turn around and see the giant hornet behind you.  In a split second it jams its stinger into your chest.  You can feel the venom sweeping over your body.  The hornet flies away, leaving your with a large hole in your chest that is leaking venom and blood.  You feel your body swelling up immensely.  You have always been allergic to hornet bites, and the area you were bit swelled up.  This hornet was about 100 times that size.  You feel your entire body swelling up.  Your body soon gets so swelled up that it bursts, splattering your blood everywhere.  Having no flesh left, and your muscles torn to pieces you fall over dead.

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