86 You open your eyes and see that you are on the ground. You stand
up and look up at the tree. The Fredriks aren't there. You begin to walk through the forest. You look down
at where you're walking and see the heads of the Fredriks. You jump back. "Aaah! Shit!" you see a pack of
five raptors in a field ahead. You quickly duck down in hopes that they didn't see you. SCREEEEEEECH! Guess
they did. You stand up and start running. You obviously are much slower than they are, giving them quite the advantage.
From out of nowhere leaps a raptor onto your chest. You fall to the ground with the large reptile on your chest.
The rest of the pack arrives soon. The one on your chest slashes his foot downwards, cutting your rib cage open with
the large claw on its foot. A raptor near your head pulls up one of your eyelids with his middle claw. He plucks
your eyeball out of its socket and gulps it down. You reach your arm up to shield your face, but a raptor bites down
on it and pulls it off. He begins to chew on it. Another raptor bites down on your stomach. He pulls up,
ripping most of the flesh off of your stomach. Blood pours out of your stomach everywhere. The raptor then sticks
his head into your stomach and begins to unravel your intestines. It gets a good length of them out in a short amount
of time. Another raptor begins chewing at your vocal cords to stop your screaming. It's almost as if they are
intentionally keeping you alive for as long as they can. There is a baby raptor tangled up in your intestines now.
You finally die when a raptor chews away too much of your neck, severing your head.